Even from back then, the causes of alcoholism have been examined over and over and it has come to the conclusion that there is no known exact cause. It has been found, though, that there are several factors known to increase the chances of becoming an alcoholic. As any other drug, alcohol brings negative side effects to its most common misusers May 27, · These reasons include: experimentation, popularity, and depression. Experimentation is one of the leading factors of teens starting to drink, because they’re very curious. Teenagers also have a need to fit in, so to become popular, they think they have to The cause of alcoholism is a combination of biological, psychological, and cultural factors. These factors contribute to the development of alcoholism
Causes Of Alcoholism Essay Example # — Free Essays
Alcoholism is a cause that haves numerous effects on people in the United States today. The symptoms of alcoholism vary from person to person, but the most common symptoms seen are changes in emotional state, behavior, or personality. Alcoholics may become angry and argumentative, and withdrawn or depressed. They may also feel more anxious, sad, tense, and confused. Alcoholism is a treatable disease and many treatment programs and approaches are available to support alcoholics who have causes of alcoholism essay to get help, but no medical cure is available. Regardless of how someone is diagnosed as alcohol dependent or how they came to realize they have a serious drinking problem, the first step to treatment is a sincere desire to get help.
Alcoholics who are pressured into treatment by social pressure or forced to quit by circumstances rarely succeed in the long run, causes of alcoholism essay. Next, I will like to discuss the causes, effects and consequences of Alcoholics. There are several possible causes of alcoholism and risk factors for the causes of alcoholism essay. Alcoholic liver disease usually occurs after years of excessive drinking. The longer you use alcohol and the more alcohol consumed, the greater the likelihood of developing liver disease, causes of alcoholism essay. Acute alcoholic hepatitis can result from binge drinking. It may be life-threatening if severe. People who drink excessively can become malnourished because of the empty calories from alcohol, reduced appetite, and poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
Order custom essay The Cause and Effect of Alcoholism with free plagiarism report. Malnutrition contributes to liver disease, causes of alcoholism essay. These are causes of alcoholism essay causes that come from drinking a constant amount of Alcohol. The effects that alcohol has on the human body range from short to long term symptoms. As a person consumes alcoholic drinks the stomach immediately absorbs the alcohol and it enters into the bloodstream. Depending on the features such as the age, weight, sex, and body size of an individual the alcohol will affect people in many different ways.
Some of the lighter effects of the intake of alcohol comprise lightheadedness, while other effects with an increased amount of alcohol consumed include queasiness, vomiting, slurred speech and vision, and an increased amount of dizziness. There are many consequences of drinking that can lead to an addiction commonly known as alcoholism. Permanent long term effects of consumption can lead to severe damage to essential organs as the liver and brain. If a sustained period of no consumption happens, many effects such as anxiety, delusion, and shuddering may occur.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy may lead to birth defects in infants commonly known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Retardation and permanent physical deformities are common in many cases, and investigative studies have shown that offspring of alcoholic parents are at a great deal higher possibility of becoming alcoholics themselves, causes of alcoholism essay. In conclusion, there are several causes, effects, and consequences of Alcoholism that I have mentioned. Many people that use alcohol do not understand how harmful it is to their body. After reading my essay I hope you have a better understanding of why drinking to much alcohol is bad for you. on The Cause and Effect of Alcoholism. While not every person turns to alcohol to relieve stress, some people do. Drinking at an early age.
According to the Mayo Clinic, those who begin drinking at an early age are more likely to have an alcohol problem or a physical. Mental health problems like depression. Taking alcohol with medicine. Family history. Alcoholism Side EffectsPhysical Alcoholism Side Effects. Chronic and long-term alcohol abuse leads to numerous health problems. Psychological Alcoholism Side Effects. Most people are aware of the physical side effects of alcoholism, but the psychological side effects are rarely discussed. Treating Alcoholism Side Effects.
An Overview of How Alcoholism Can Kill YouLiver Disease. One of the most common ways how alcoholism can kill you related to the liver. Another one of the many ways alcoholism can kill you is because of the increased risk it creates for developing many of the most deadly types of cancers. Drunk Driving Accidents. Heart Disease. End Stage Alcoholism. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. The Cause and Effect of Alcoholism. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Mar 14, Accessed April 18, comcauses of alcoholism essay, Mar Chronic and often progressive illness involving the excessive inappropriate ingestion of ethyl alcohol, causes of alcoholism essay in the form of familiar alcoholic beverages or as a constituent of other substances.
Alcoholism is. Alcoholism can be defined in accordance to three distinct dimensions. Culturally, alcoholism is defined as a form of deviant drinking behavior that falls outside what culture perceives as the acceptable. Generally, alcoholism is considered more as a habitual disorder rather than a disease. It is self initiated and mostly can be prevented or controlled. It is as a result of. Drinking alcohol has become a past-time for teenagers and adults during weekends. People drink to relax, feel more confident or to forget temporarily any worries that they currently have. Alcoholism is one of the leading social causes of mortality in the world today.
It has been and will always be ranked among the favorite indulgence of people globally. Alcoholism Alcoholism is one of the biggest medical causes of alcoholism essay in the Western world. Alcohol has been around since biblical times. The problem continues to grow every year and has causes of alcoholism essay. Alcoholism in Youth Expectation, are they making things difficult? It seems that what is expected has not been achieved neither been integrated in mind and heart of the youth, being. Alcoholism: Genetic or Learned Behavior? First, before I could answer this question, I had to do a little research. Alcohol addiction is a physical dependence on alcohol which occurs gradually., causes of alcoholism essay. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, causes of alcoholism essay.
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Alcohol - How Alcohol Affects The Body - What Causes A Hangover
, time: 5:19The Cause and Effects of Drinking Alcohol, Essay Example

Alcohol abuse can lead to heart disease, liver failure and rapid aging. Many deaths are caused by alcoholism. Excessive drinking also increases the decision to take risky actions, including drinking and driving. Drinking and driving causes many deaths every year and is a major problem among those of all ages The cause of alcoholism is a combination of biological, psychological, and cultural factors. These factors contribute to the development of alcoholism May 27, · These reasons include: experimentation, popularity, and depression. Experimentation is one of the leading factors of teens starting to drink, because they’re very curious. Teenagers also have a need to fit in, so to become popular, they think they have to
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