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Boston tea party essay

Boston tea party essay

boston tea party essay

Jan 22,  · The Boston Tea Party was a key political protest that sparked an upcoming revolution. The Boston Tea Party was the spark that the colonist needed. The colonist dumped chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor. This made Great Britain see that the colonist wasn’t taking anything sitting down/5(33) The Boston tea part meant that the Americans would throw off over chests of Ceylon tea that would cost over 12 thousand British pounds. In the following essay I would like to speak about the events that preceded the Boston tea party and about the actual consequences of the Boston tea party. One should remember that the event that preceded the Boston tea party was the The Boston Tea Party occurred as a result of high prices of tea from the British government. The Tea Party occurred in the Boston Harbor on December 16, Three hundred and forty chests were seized by the Sons of Liberty and tossed into the water. From this act of civil disobedience came several Acts

Boston Tea Party Historical Society - Sample Essays

Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus. But, what led this act to happen in the first place? And, why did it mark its place in the American Revolution? In the s, Britain was sinking deep and the British Parliament dropped heavy taxes on American colonists to help prevent them from drowning. This is where the The Stamp Act comes in action. It was passed in by the British Parliament and tax was imposed in every single paper document in the colonies, boston tea party essay. The colonists, however, disagreed. They were furious at being taxed without having any representation in Parliament, and felt it was wrong for Britain to impose taxes on them to gain revenue.

The Boston Massacre affected relations between Britain and American colonies. The colonists had no choice, but to fight for their independence. They did not like the idea of being taxed unfairly and it caused them to take action on the matter in their own way. The argument began to escalate as more colonists gathered and began to harass and throw sticks and snowballs at Private White. After the Boston Massacre happened the colonies screamed for patriotism; it was in need of power from anything or anyone. Although the American Revolution would not start for another five years, the event certainly moved people to look at British rule in a different light.

In MayThe British Parliament passed the Tea Act, boston tea party essay. This movement allowed the British Boston tea party essay India Boston tea party essay to sell tea for a cheaper price in other tea companies. There was just no way Britain would let millions of tea-consumers not get taxed on their tea. They truly felt like people would rather pay their tea tax than give up their daily use. Colonists would drink pounds of tea each year, but soon began to boycott and smuggled Dutch tea leaving the British East India Company in the gutter or bankrupt. The Sons of Liberty, boston tea party essay mob of colonial tradesmen and merchants who disagreed with the Stamp Act and any other form of taxation.

This group included patriots such as Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry and Paul Revere, as well as Adams and Hancock. Adam led the group, the Sons of Liberty and privately gathered together to make plans since they were against the British Parliament, boston tea party essay. By December 16,Dartmouth had been met by her sister ships, Beaver and Eleanor. The three large ships stacked, packed and loaded with tea from China. After the Boston Massacre, were no longer compromising but instead angry. They stopped drinking so much tea and the price began to lower. The smuggled tea had become much more expensive and those who made a profit off of it was not going to stop any time soon. This act was no longer about economizing, it was about what they get out of it.

The Indemnity Act inhad reduced the price of tea that was already expired, but still left the Townshend tax on it. The consumers were not as amused, but the East India Company still made a profit off of it. Nothing was going to stop the Parliament from their right to tax the colonies, boston tea party essay. They armed themselves with hatchets, axes, and pistols, boston tea party essay, and sneaked aboard the ships. The captains of the ships never realized what had happened when the approach of the colonists had begun. They played it so well and dressed up for the occasion the party to keep their identities hidden from anyone who could suspect them. While this went on several colonists began to pick some loose tea floating in the Boston harbor for their own use or loved ones.

This act became known as the Boston Tea Party. When the word spread out of what had happened; boats were sent to the rescue of whatever was left, boston tea party essay. Unfortunately, once they arrived they realized that they were completely drenched and unusable. What the Britain governor and the businessman supporting this tea tax act never truly understood was that sooner or later colonists will wake up. Money hungry, angry and with so much power to overtake whatever is preventing them from what they want. The captains of the three ships were summoned to the privy boston tea party essay, but were unable to identify any of the people involved with the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party showed how Great Britain just sucked the colonies dry without caring about how they would feel or react.

Parliament never listened to their consumers, let alone people. Their intention was to make as much profit. Treated their colonies like puppets and taxes them just because they could and wanted to. Great Britain tried its best to silence those who had something to say and make money no matter how far across the ocean it was, boston tea party essay. In conclusion, The Boston Tea Party happened because they tried to tax colonies without any of their permission. Even though it may have been misunderstood at some point, it still made itself a great nation. Those who were involved with this act remain mysterious. They never asked for permission to drop this highly taxed tea, but what goes around comes around.

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Free Boston Tea Party Essay Examples and Topic Ideas on GraduateWay

boston tea party essay

The Boston tea part meant that the Americans would throw off over chests of Ceylon tea that would cost over 12 thousand British pounds. In the following essay I would like to speak about the events that preceded the Boston tea party and about the actual consequences of the Boston tea party. One should remember that the event that preceded the Boston tea party was the “The Boston Tea Party was an act of rebellion from which the strained relationship between Britain and the colonies would never recover. The captains of the three ships were summoned to the privy council, but were unable to identify any of the people involved with the Boston Tea Party.” (Revolutionary, ) Jun 17,  · The Boston Tea Party was a protest that took place in the Boston Harbor in during which American colonists dumped tons of tea into the sea to protest a British tax on tea. This event was important because it fueled the tension that had already begun between England and America

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